Well, I think we all know the story. |
The second 1980's remake that a saw this weekend, and a huge disappointment. So here's the good, the bad and the ugly of why.
The Good:
The riddle of steel. |
Ron Perlman really shines as Conan's father. The scenes with Perlman and young Conan, played by Leo Howard are the highlight of the movie. The two share a natural chemistry that was missing from the other characters in the film.
Way to turn a hot girl creepy. | |
Rose Mcgowan is very creepy as the witch Marique, who has a super disturbing love for her father Khlaer Zym. She actually out creeped the main baddie.
“I live. I love. I slay…I am content.” |
Jason Momoa is excellent as Conan . He plays the character as manipulative and smart character, who relies on more than brawn to get his revenge. The only downside is that he doesn't have much chemistry with female lead. I blame this more on Rachel Nichols however.
The Bad:
I'm a thug with a daughter who wants to have sex with me. |
The main villain, Kahler Zym, is very underwhelming. He came off as a thug, more suited to be a henchmen than the main baddie. A hero needs an appropriate villain, this guy came off as someone who should have been fighting Conan's friends.
Besides the underwhelming baddie, plot holes the size of hoover dam are everywhere. Characters who could use magic, but don't, people who risk the end of the world just to get laid, etc.
The Ugly:
The Conan birth scene was the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. When the whole theater bursts out laughing, at what should have been a dramatic scene, you know they have done something wrong.
I'm a princess or a monk or something. |
Rachel Nichols character was not very well defined. You never really had a sense of who she was. She should have been as defined as Conan, instead you got a one dimensional character who was just there for Conan to have sex with.
All in all this a remake that is best skipped.