Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Movie Crypt

When I first heard that Adam Green and Joe Lynch were doing a podcast I was excited.  Being a fan of their show Holliston, I was expecting something like they do in the show.  I thought they would do some movie news and reviews and occasionally have on guests.  I couldn't have been more wrong or more pleasantly surprised.

The inaugural episode featured the duo doing a full length commentary for Friday the 13th Part Two.  The commentary may have been light on actual facts, but it did unleash Bruce Fury on the world.  Okay that won't make sense till you listen to the podcast, but trust me it's hilarious.

The  subsequent episodes have been equally entertaining, but even more informative.  Each week Green and Lynch bring in a new guest from the industry.  They don't just stick with the expected guests either.  One of their best episodes featured Hollywood agent David Boxerbaum.  His stories and insights behind the scenes were very interesting to hear.  Many times we forget about the people who do most of their work in pre-production.  Costumer Autumn Steed was another guest who was funny and insightful.  I had not given much thought to clothing in TV shows and movies, unless it was a sci-fi or fantasy. 

The best thing about The Movie Crypt is the harsh truths that Green/Lynch and the guests
bring.  There's no sugar coating at all.  The stories they share make me wonder how anything ever gets made.  It makes you realize just how dedicated you have to be to make it in Hollywood. 

Anyone looking to break into the business should definitely check out this podcast.  For those of us who are just genre fans, it adds a whole new level of appreciation for the films we love. 

You can download The Movie Crypt on I-Tunes or on Geeknation:
