Monday, April 09, 2012

Beating the odds

One of the biggest cliches in horror movies is "The black guy dies first".  It's a cheap way out that tons of horror movies have taken.

There are exceptions of course, and I won't spoil all the movies by listing them.  The thing I find remarkable is that there is one African American actor, who has survived more than one horror movie.  This is an accomplishment that deserves recognition.  Ladies and gentlemen I give you Mr. Keith David.

His voice alone can stop most monsters. 
Keith David's characters have lived to the end of  "The Thing" and "Pitch Black".  David has starred in  over 200 movies and TV episodes including classics such as "They Live" and "Platoon".  Besides voicing Al Simmons in the "Spawn" animated series, his voice work has been featured in several Disney movies.

As a huge fan of "The Thing", "They Live" and "Pitch Black" I think it's overdue he got recognized for breaking this particular cliche.

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