Friday, June 15, 2012


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The Plot: 
A group of space vampires return to earth and unleash an apocalypse.

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My Thoughts:
I first saw this movie at the Drive-In when I was about 14. I hadn't watched it since then and I wanted to give another look, since it had been restored with more footage. I was surprised that John Larroquette did the opening narration. It was cut from the original and restored for this DVD release. I think he must be friends with Tobe Hooper.

I didn't quite remember some of the funny stuff about this movie either.
These are just some random observations about the movie.

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The mysterious spaceship that is inside Halley's comet. It is supposed to be 150 miles long. For being 21 years old the visual effects in this movie stand up very well.

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When the astronauts enter the ship, is it just me or does it look like, no it couldn't be, could it?

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Oh wait, yes it is.

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Once inside the ship they discover three humans. First rule of space travel, never pick up hitchhikers, especially naked ones.

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Back on earth they start to come around. Is it odd that her boobs look the same in zero-gravity and on earth?

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The guy guarding her is the first to go, but come on, who wouldn't have tried hit that?

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The other guards try to lure her in with a cookie. I'll let you guess what happens to them.

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After they are drained of their "lifeforce" the victims look like this. This is a pretty damned creepy effect.

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The main character has this dream a lot. Which is something we both had in common in 1985.

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Greetings pre-Picard Patrick Stewart. You will certainly bring some dignity to this movie.

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Damn, wrong again.

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Okay, the first mannequin of you wasn't great, but why did it suddenly grow more hair and change suits?

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If you have ever wondered what a girl made out of Patrick Stewart's guts would look like, well here she is.

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You'd make that face too if you watched Stewart's guts get ripped out and turned into a woman.
I would say that this movie is worth watching, just for nudity and laughs if nothing else. I certainly enjoyed it. It comes from some pretty respected people too.

Directed by
Tobe Hooper

Writing credits
Colin Wilson (novel The Space Vampires)

Dan O'Bannon (screenplay) &
Don Jakoby (screenplay)

Dan O'Bannon is of course the writer of Alien and we all know about Tobe Hooper.

The movie is based off this novel, which was also the movie title until the studio wanted to go with something that sounded less like a low budget movie.
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Here is an alternate movie poster. Very subtle I think, lol. They proclaimed the movie the cinematic Sci-Fi event of the 80's, I guess they missed the mark on that one.

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  1. This movie rocks! I remember thinking the lead actor was a real mod badass.

    1. Steve Railsback can be very intense. It's funny that he played a character fighting aliens here and then again on "The X-Files". Maybe Duane Barry was this guys alias.

  2. I love this flick! It always felt truncated when I saw it as a kid.
    It's goofy, occassionally nuts, but some great effects and a hot naked vamp make it worth it... Great score too...

    Prometheus was excellent...
