My Thoughts: I had high hopes going to see this. Ghost hunters that not only found a ghost, but it comes after them for revenge, sounds like a great concept. It turned out to be just another by the numbers horror flick. I can picture the studio executives at the meeting to green light this.
Soulless Executive #1: We need a cheap horror movie, what's popular right now that we can exploit?
Yes Man: Well, ghost hunting is pretty popular how about that?
Soulless Executive #1: I like that, lots of POV shots, shaky cams, and super dark scenes where you can't see anything.
Yes Man: Exactly, and we'll only have six or seven people in the whole thing, so we can save salaries.
Soulless Executive #1: We're going to want to keep it PG-13 though, we need the "Twilight" crowd to flock to this.
Yes Man: Good call, and I think we can get an actress from that series as well.
Soulless Executive #1: Kristen Stewart would be willing to do this?
Yes Man: I said an actress, lol.
Soulless Executive #1: My bad, sorry.
Yes Man: If we keep it PG-13 we won't be able to have any nudity or sex scenes, those always go over big in horror movies.
Soulless Executive #1: Hmm, well throw in a shower scene but don't have any actual nudity. Let them use their imagination, and then have her run around in some lingerie for a bit.
Yes Man: Works for me.
Never get dressed when you think demons are out to murder you. |
Yes Man: No, but we can get Tom Felton, he played Draco Malfoy in the Potter films.
Soulless Executive #1: Will anyone know that?
Yes Man: Yes and this will bring in the people who hate "Twilight".
Soulless Executive #1: Okay, but dress him so he looks a little like the Potter kid OK? Oh and since "The Avengers" made a billion dollars grab someone connected to that movie too.
Yes Man: Got it.
I sound smarter than the others because I have an English accent. |
Yes Man: We'll have it ready in a month.
That pretty much sums up the movie. Lots of other little things bothered me too. Kelly (Ashley Greene) takes a heat sensing camera out of storage. The camera has been there for years, yet the batteries are 100%. Patrick (Tom Felton) makes a safe room to hide from the ghost. It has food, bottled water and two beds, but no toilet.
My verdict: Wait for the DVD, I wish I had.
I will definitely follow your advice on waiting for the DVD to come out. I was excited to see The Apparition because the trailers made it seem worth the price of admission. Some of my friends and Dish coworkers even thought that. I would still like to see the movie, but I think I’m going to wait until it comes out on DVD and then add it to my Blockbuster @Home queue. It would be delivered to my house so I won’t have to worry about it. I may see Possession… I’ve heard good things about that movie anyways.