Sunday, February 17, 2013


Some fun news for fans of Joe Bob Briggs and Monstervision.  Joe Bob has started putting up transcripts of the Monstervision episodes on his website.

Monstervision Transcripts

I remember watching these back when they aired.  A good friend and I would meet up and spend the evening listening to Joe Bob explain just why these movies were terrible, but fun.

The transcripts aren't quite the same as watching Monstervision, but still fun. 


  1. Joe Bob is missed... I downloaded all of these form youtube recently and made a nice collection. I've not done every one, but to a lot of the movies that aired, I have the movie with his's great fun to watch...

    1. He's great to listen to when he's going off on these movies. He had some great stuff about "SAW" and "Hostel" at Spooky Empire.
