Thursday, June 06, 2013

Prince of Darkness

I've got a message for you, and you're not going to like it. 
Actually, most horror fans will like this message.  Scream Factory ( has announced a collectors edition of "Prince of Darkness" releasing on 09/24/13.  

Other than the amazing cover art by Justin Osbourn, they haven't released any details.  They always do a quality job on their product, so I wouldn't expect any less on this one.  

I'm hoping for a commentary track by John Carpenter personally.  This is one of my favorite films, and I would love to hear his insights on it. 


  1. Where is THAT Carpenter?... he fell of the Planet and seems to be in Director jail for some reason....FREE THE CARP! FREE THE CARP!

  2. A commentary track would be awesome. The Kurt Russell + Carpenter commentaries on Big Trouble in Little China and The Thing are my favorites... if only Russell was in this so we could get another of those, but I love Prince of Darkness. I think it's definitely one of his best right up there with The Thing, The Fog, In the Mouth of Madness, etc.
