Saturday, July 27, 2013

Behind The Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon

If you've ever wondered about the actual mechanics of how a slasher works, this is the movie for you.

Behind the Mask is set in a world where Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers and all the others are real.  As he's about to launch his career as a slasher, Leslie Vernon allows a film crew to document the process.
Not since the original Scream has a movie deconstructed the horror movie tropes so well.  Leslie doesn't just tell you the rules, he explains how and why the rules work.

Explaining why they don't just pull people out of the closet. 
The movie is filled with cameos and nods to all the horror classics.  There are so many I had to watch it twice to catch them all. 

This guy seems vaguely familiar..
This is great movie that I'm shocked never got a sequel.  If you're a horror fan who likes to see the genre poked fun at, check this out. 

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