Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Halloween Horror Challenge (My List)

My list of 31 horror movies for the Halloween Horror Challenge.

Stephen King Movies
1.      IT
2.      Thinner
3.      The Shining (1997 version)
4.      Christine
5.      The Mist (B&W version)
6.      Rose Red
7.      Silver Bullet
8.      Wrong Turn 2
9.      Fright Night 2 (2013)
10.  Blade 2
11.  Evil Dead 2
12.  Phantasm 2
13.  Friday the 13th Part 9: Jason Goes to Hell
14.  Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
15.  Joy Ride
16.  SAW
17.  Urban Legend
18.  Hatchet
19.  My Bloody Valentine (2009)
20.  Club Dread
21.  Psycho
The Undead
22.  Zombie
23.  Dawn of the Dead (2004)
24.  Night of the Living Dead (1990)
25.  Dead and Buried
John Carpenter
26.  The Fog
27.  The Thing
28.  Prince of Darkness
29.  In the Mouth of Madness
30.  Body Bags
31.  Halloween


  1. Jason Goes to Hell is part 9... part 8 was Jason Takes Manhattan. 22 through 31 is going to be a sweet ride. Have fun.

  2. Updates, man. You never update. Were you able to complete your self imposed challenge?

    1. I did indeed, thank you for asking. Also when people make comments, unless they keep them short, I don't see the whole comment. I don't have the comments emailed to me, and the comment preview function on blogger cuts them off when they get overly wordy.
