Friday, October 03, 2014

Doll Movies

With "Annabelle" coming out today I thought I would bring up some of my favorite "evil doll" movies.

Despite coming from James Wan and  Leigh Whannell this movie just didn't find an audience when it was released.  It's found a following now on video and deservedly so.  
If this doesn't haunt your dreams I don't know what will.

Space cop Brick Bardo (yes really) comes to earth and gets reduced to 13 inches.  Somehow he still finds a way  to fight crime.  This movie came out in the era when Tim Thomerson starred in almost every direct to video movie.  It's goofy fun and Thomerson takes it way more seriously than it deserves.

This is movie that was a staple of video stores in the 80's. This was one of the first movies I rented on my own.   It was a good film and I'm shocked it never got a sequel.  It was certainly a big enough hit.  

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