Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The babadook

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It's a rare movie that lives up to all the hype, but "The Babadook" does. Writer/director Jennifer Kent delivers one of the best horror films I've seen in a while, and certainly the best one this year. 

The story revolves around widowed mother Amelia and her son Samuel.  Samuel has the kind of behavioral problems that make me glad I don't have kids. One night before bed Samuel asks Amelia to read him a book he found on his shelf.  Once Amelia begins reading from "Mister Babadook" the problems begin.

The film is very claustrophobic with most of the action taking place in the family's house.  The look of the house and art direction in general are amazing.  The effects are refreshingly not CG, and it helps the feel of the film.

Jennifer Kent delivered a great movie and I can't wait to see more from her. 

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