Thursday, April 02, 2015

It Follows

At least it was a roomy backseat. 
I saw this last night and I really enjoyed it. I wouldn't say it was the scariest movie I've ever seen, but it was the most original concept.

It was shot beautifully, very reminiscent of "Halloween". There were lots of wide shots and it made you start scanning the background for things. 

The set design felt very real too, the houses actually looked lived in.  Many movies have perfect looking homes and it never quite feels real.  These are houses that have dirty walls, mismatched furniture and cluttered rooms. 

 My biggest complaint is that they never really got into the history of the creature. I wanted to know why it was doing what it does.

I've had worse dates honestly.
 The actors feel as real as the surroundings. These aren't the typical pretty teens who look like they came from a modelling shoot. , who was amazing in "The Guest" continues to shine here. 

Writer/director has earned a place in horror history with this one. 

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