Friday, March 10, 2017

Man-Thing by R.L. Stine

 (Warning spoilers ahead)

This week Marvel relaunched Man-Thing with Goosebumps writer R.L. Stine taking over the writing reigns.

Man-Thing is a character who has largely remained in the shadow of the far more popular Swamp-Thing.  There was even a feature film of Man-Thing in the early 2000's but even it remains mostly unseen.

Bringing a writer of Stine's popularity shows that Marvel is serious about trying to give Man-Thing another chance.

After reading the first issue, I have to say I am surprised in the direction they are going.

Stine has given the character the ability to speak and think like his former human self.  Which is quite a change from all the previous comics.  Also, Man-Thing has gone to Hollywood to become a movie star.  Yes, you read that correctly.

 So, Man-Thing has gone Hollywood, at least in his comic series.  I was expecting a much more EC comic feel from the series, and the comedic turn has taken me by surprise.

The first issue gives us a quick recap of his origin and is very light and humorous in it's tone.

Maybe taking the series in a humorous route is the right way to go.  Man-Thing has been the butt of many jokes over the years.  

Some intentional:
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. asking the real questions.
Some unintentional (maybe)

I mean, they had to know, right?

If the serious can laugh at itself maybe we can too.

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