Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

I have to say that I was disappointed with this film for a number of reasons. The first is the back story of Freddy. Changing him from a child murderer to a garden variety child molester was a mistake. I had always just assumed that Freddy was a pedophile AND a murder. That was what made him doubly frightening. This Freddy was the same guy you see on Dateline getting caught by Stone Phillips. It's also hard to believe that all of the children just erased the memory of Freddy and what he'd done to them.

Another problem was the effects. The effects were serviceable, but nothing spectacular. Watching the original movie you were amazed at what they could do with such a small budget and no computer effects. Now I don't mean the whole movie should have been "green-screened" but they could certainly have tweaked the dream world a bit. Freddy didn't really seem to do all that much. For someone who could control dreams, he didn't take advantage of that much. In the original this was due to lack of budget, but surely they could come up with something scarier than the boiler room now.

The actors didn't really seem to shine either. They did an acceptable job, but no one really stood out.

In the end this felt less like a remake and more like another one of the sequels to me.

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