The Plot:
After a sudden underwater tremor sets free scores of the prehistoric man-eating fish, an unlikely group of strangers must band together to stop themselves from becoming fish food for the area's new razor-toothed residents.
My Thoughts:
Ok, so first of all why was Richard Dreyfuss in this movie? Did they offer him a dump truck full of money, and was it just to have someone from "Jaws" in the movie? Christopher Lloyd sounds and acts like he was playing Doc Brown again. About a third of movie is like watching a girls gone wild video, which makes some sense, Jerry O'Connell's character was supposed to be making a "Wild Wild Girls" video. They really went out of their way to amp up the nudity though. I can only imagine the unrated DVD version.
My biggest disappointed though was the effects. A lot of the effects looked really bad in this. One scene of a boat sinking was so obviously fake it should have been in one of the "Shark Attack" movies.
The bottom line with this movie is that is was made for teenage boys. It's packed with tons of boobs and gore, and not much else. Although they may not be cheering after they see what happens to Jerry O'Connell's character.
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Also, Elisabeth Shue wins the Sara Conner bulk award for this movie. |
They really blew it with the special effects. Even the version from the late 70's was infinitely better, although this one had some good jokes... but what a wasted opportunity to have Richard Dreyfeuss there and not have him say..... "I'm gonna need a bigger boat." Would have brought the house down... the less said about the sequel, the better.