Thursday, January 10, 2013

Texas Chainsaw 3D

Just your average garage in the south. 

I had been looking forward to this for some time.  Unlike a lot of horror fans I enjoyed the 2003 remake, and had high hopes for this one.  It started off strong, using footage from the original to recap what had happened, and largely ignoring the 80's and 90's sequels. 

Gunnar Hansen, scary without a mask too.

They also brought back Gunnar Hansen and Bill Moseley to make cameos.  It was nice to see them back in the franchise.  After the opening scenes, things quickly went downhill.

The rest of the film was a mix of plot holes, inconsistencies, and WTF moments.

We couldn't hear the chainsaw murders over our sex sounds.

The characters were generally so unlikeable and one dimensional that you didn't care what happened to them.  About halfway through my friend Perry turned to me and said "I'm starting to root for Leatherface".

The film had amazing sets, make-up and effects.  The actors didn't do a bad job, they just didn't have much to work with.   It's a shame they didn't put more effort into the script.  This could have been a great way to reboot the series.  Instead we got just another generic horror movie sequel.  

This is what I picture happens at all county fairs.
Also a couple of plot points I have to comment on here, so spoilers ahead.

1. How are they going to cover up Leatherface's existence when he's:
  • Run amuck at the town fair (at least one person had to have taken video)
  • Killed the mayor who's the father of a guy on the police force
  • Killed a third of the police force (not that bad since they only had three cops in the town apparently)

 2. What cell phone service do they use in that town? The one cop was able to send crystal clear video while underground outside of town.  They must be a test town for 6G or something.

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